Bryan Pardue

I assumed that fulfilment was something I had to work up to. I assumed that only after I put in enough hours or achieved enough, then I could do the things that made me really excited. As if I had to finish the “prerequisite” work and then I would be able to live a fulfilling, purpose-driven life. But all of this future thinking left me with achievements that didn’t matter, hours that didn’t count and just plain tired. When I realized I wasn’t the only one with this mindset something sparked inside of me. I began to seek answers.

The truth is that today is the the only day we have! The world was passing me by because I was planning on the future. I was missing so much! I didn’t have a firm grounding, so I had no confidence that I could bring value to the world. We were never made to just stick it out and hope to see the finish line. No! We are made to grow and learn and love and to play our role in the greatest story ever told, right now!

That’s when I was able to find clarity, focus, efficiency and above all, peace. How different life becomes when we have peace and purpose!

The truth is that your mission matters and once you find it, the world gets a lot bigger and a lot less scary. Don’t just expect things to get better in the future because today is the the only day we have.